Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It just keeps getting better

Last night I check my mail again before I went to bed to find this!

Kelly –

So glad to hear back from you. I am really tired…up late doing work…I started working full-time for the first time this past year and it get’s crazy but Rich and I juggle it pretty well. Yes….that is brother Sam in the picture w/ Richard. He is only seven but is almost as tall as Rich. That picture was taken in Central Park in New York City this summer. We spent a few nights in a fancy hotel and they just loved the city. They keep asking when we can go back. The hat Rich is wearing was bought from a guy on the street. Rich bargained with him and knocked a few bucks off the price…he was very proud of himself and wore that hat the rest of the weekend.

I will talk to Richard about e-mailing you. He mentioned it a few times early on and hasn’t lately but I know that he will want to once I mention that I have made contact w/ you. He is a pretty secure kid and thinks it is pretty neat to tell everyone he was born in Kentucky! That is what his birth certificate says but I think he was really born on the border of Indiana…right???? He has done a few school projects on US states and likes to pick KY….Anyway….he would probably love to hear about his biological family….heritage, etc….I want you to know that we have always spoken about adoption in our home as such a wonderful, positive thing and have said that you were young when you gave birth to him and just were not ready to take care of a baby at that time.

Let’s see how it goes….one thing he might ask you is if he can meet you sometime. We would really like to take a trip out there someday and Richard would like to see the place he was born, and maybe meet you and your family. Think on that one and let us know if you feel comfortable with that some time in the future…..

OK…I need to get to bed now!....Have a great day and hope you are feeling Ok after your root canal…YUCK!!!

Love from us all……Anne

I can't believe it! He wants to meet me! I might get a chance to hug him again, a chance to explain, a chance to tell him in person how much I truly love him. I told a friend earlier today it just proves the verse in the bible to be true. Matthew 6:34 therefore do nowt worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own. For 12 years I have worried about if he would understand, if he would be mad about the choice that I have made. God has had all of that under control the whole time. Why did I waste so much time worrying about that? My son wants to meet me!

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