Tuesday, March 10, 2009

No she isn't turning into a blueberry!

The good news, Addison's ear infection is gone, the bad news her body didn't care for the medicine that got rid of it.

This morning I noticed that Addison had little red speckles on her tummy and chest.Both of the babies get so warm when they are sleeping that I just assumed it was a little heat rash. Throughout the day it got worse and worse. Addison was completely content just this growing rash that had turned into a bad case of hives by late this afternoon. Victoria was freaking out along with myself saying "She looks like that girl on Willy Wonka! Is that what is happening to her?" I got an appointment for her and found that the likely cause is an allergic reaction to the antibiotics they gave her for the ear infection. 1/2 a tsp of Benadryl and it should be gone in a few days. Thank God is isn't bothering her, she is still hamming it up.

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