Friday, March 13, 2009

Monkey see, Monkey doo, Anthony is having a reaction too!

Well I guess it was inevitable. Anthony started getting his "spots" this morning. This is how Addison's started out. Thanksfully knowing what it is now, I dosed him up on Benadryl first thing this morning. Hopefully, it won't get as bad as Addison's. He seems comfortable too but just ornery! His tantrums are getting out of control. He is head butting and hard, into the floor, my face. I would love to pass it off as the reaction but I have to be honest and admit that is just how he is getting. Please pray for me!! Mom came over last night and brought Victoria a High School Musical cheer leading outfit. Victoria and Addison started dancing around the house while I dealt with Anthony trying to get him to sit down on the couch instead of stand. It resulted in several trips down the had taking him to bed throwing a complete fit when he wouldn't do what he was told. Is this a case of the early terrible twos? If so please call the nut house and have them pick me up. I am ready. :)

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