Monday, March 23, 2009


My niece had surgery today on her spine because of her scoliosis. She was such a brave trooper and did so well. My mom was able to go and be with her ( I didn't think two cranky toddlers would do much to ease every one's nerves) and said that she was in great spirits and ready to have it over with. I just got the call a minute ago that the surgery is over. It didn't take as long as they had thought and wasn't as extensive as they thought it might be. I am sitting her with tears in my eyes just so amazed at God. We have all been needless to say worried about it and praying for her. They didn't have to use as large of rods as they were thinking and she only has a 6 inch incision. The doctor said that he upper spine fixed itself once the lower part was taken care of. Praise God!

While waiting on calls about Ariel, I decided to go ahead and start my week out by going to the gym. I wanted to try out the Aquatics Fitness and chose the Pilates/Yoga class. I poured myself into my old swimsuit and towel wrapped around my waist made my way to the therapy pool. They were finishing the AOA (Active Older Adults) class and I sat and waited by the jets while they finished their class. The instructor must have been in her late 60s early 70s and was adorable. It was quite cute seeing all of these little old ladies bobbing around in the pool. It kind of reminded me of the Titanic scene. I know that is morbid but you would have had the same thought if you were watching. These precious little Grandmas and Grandpas getting their workout hanging onto their noodles. I kept watching the door for the younger instructor to enter to start getting ready for the Pi/Yo class and thought she might be running late. The AOA class ended and the everyone was getting ready for the Pi/Yo to class begin. I was proud of the AOA class because about 75% stuck around for the next class (clue #1). The AOA instructor made her way to the front of the pool again (remember 60-70 yrs old) and says "Welcome to the Pi/Yo class. Is this any one's first time?" I looked around and reluctantly raised my hand. She had me introduce myself and then asked "Has anyone had hip replacement surgery, if so we need to do some modifications?" A few raised their hand. I then began to look around and realized that no other people remotely my age had entered the pool for the class. I the youngest by about 25 years. The lady across from me was pushing 80 and chewing gum while bobbing up and down on her noodle. I had to fight laughing the whole class. We would all kick one way and our bodies would go the other in the water. We were bumping into each other and was told if you bump into someone you need to introduce yourselves. I met Betty whose Grandchildren were in the next room taking swimming lessons, and Pat who had been teaching this class for quite a while. All I can say is I got my butt out of bed and made it to the gym and burned some calories and it helped take my mind off of Ariel's surgery for a while. So what if it was the hip replacement class. That was the first class I have made it through with flying colors in a while.

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