Monday, May 24, 2010

Back to normal but better

Ok things have started to slow down a bit.  Anthony sailed through his surgery.  They know how to make a mom nervous by giving you all of the "just in case" info before taking him in.  They told me not to be alarmed if they take him to ICU and has oxygen.  They said that he is high risk going into surgery due to his history of colic, sleep apnea, and size of his tonsils.  I was doing some hard praying.  He did amazing!  He was admitted just so that he could be under observation but he didn't even need a tube in his ear.  I will post pics on here tomorrow hopefully.  I just wanted to let everyone know that we are home and he is doing well.  I actually leaned over his bed last night because I was alarmed I couldn't hear him breathe.  Usually you could hear him at the other end of the house like he was right next to you.  His snoring due to his airway being blocked was horrible now he is such a sound sleeper.  He is more rested and hasn't complained about eating soft food yet.  The kid likes his popsicles.  :)

The job is a no go.  The HR called and was as sweet as could be and they told me that they would like to keep me in mind for future positions that may come up.  I am totally fine with it.  I went into it with the resolve to do the best that I could and be fine either way.  Something else down the road might have my name on it, but for right now I am suppose to be home.  Thanks for the prayers this week.  Glad to have everyone home safe and healthy.

1 comment:

Jill said...

You poor thing. I somehow missed that A was having surgery. Glad he's okay. Let me know if you need anything. Would have been happy to have helped out. And Addison and Kade could have had some playtime. Let me know if you need me.