Monday, May 10, 2010

Huge milestone in the Craig home today.  Late Mother's day present maybe?  Bath water was ready and I was corralling children for bath time.  I asked Addison if she would like to pee on the potty before bath time.  She said yes and headed over bare butt to the toilet.  (Side note:  Walmart has a toilet seat with two seats, one adult one toddler.  Worth the money)  She hiked her little bootie up on the stool and waited.  Ok forgive the details but I saw it coming and I held my breath in anticipation, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  Yes she was doing a #2!  (Insert tiny little splash)  Addison says looking down into the toilet, " JUST POOP IN POTTY!!!"  She was so proud of herself!  She danced and pranced and we immediately called Daddy.  "Daddy I poop in potty" and then peed all over the towel she was sitting on.  Many "Poop in potty" calls were made today.  Very proud of my girl. We have tried panties twice today, both ended up wet.  But we are still trying.  She got her stickers, her poop in potty crown that Victoria loaned her from her room and got a piece of celebratory peanut butter pie. 

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