Thursday, May 27, 2010

I don't care who you are that's funny!

Here are some funny things that have been mentioned in the past week or so to make you smile. 

-Addison wanted to go potty and the neat little toilet seat I blogged about earlier with the adult seat and toddler seat didn't have the toddler seat sat down.  I placed Addison on the toilet and her butt went down and her legs went up.  She looked at me and said "TOO BIG MOMMY!! IM FREAKING OUT!"

-Anthony wanted to snuggle after his nap today.  I was in the process of making dinner (which by the way I am running out of ideas on soft food for Anthony, any ideas?) and he and Addison were hanging out on the couch.  They hugged and gave each other a kiss and were holding hands for a bit.  I turned to Addison and asked her "You want to snuggle Anthony for mommy?"  She turned to me in the kitchen, flipped her bangs out of her face and said "We don't snuggle." 

-Anthony loves his guitar.  He has to have on his sunglasses and sing as loud as he can "Wiggle Party"
I apologize you will have that song stuck in your head for DAYS!!  It is Anthony's favorite.  Anyway back to my point my mother found a ukulele that my dad is going to put strings on so that Anthony can have a "tar" (guitar) like "Papaw Gee" (Papaw Jerry) He will be beside himself!

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