Monday, March 14, 2011

Accomplished Artist.

I am so super jazzed!  Remember me posting the pic of my painting?  The red one with the David Crowder lyrics from "He loves us"?  I still have my original but I have sold 4 more of them along with a custom one of another set of lyrics.  I have never sold a piece of art before and I am overjoyed that people have liked it so much that they are wanting to  purchase.  Mrs. Rightly, my art teacher from high school, would be proud!

Yesterday I headed up to Salem to my sister's house to pick up some more wood.  Was so good to see her and give her a hug as she lost her sweet doggie Duke this past week.  That is always so hard to lose a pet. :(  We had a great visit and decided that she should head back down south with me and the kids as she was picking up furniture from a consignment sale this past weekend. She did REALLY well at it too!  The baby furniture is taking off like gang busters and all of the hard work is paying off.

We are getting prepared for my niece Ariel's 16th birthday party. She is doing a twilight theme and we hunted all over clarksville for the favors from Twilight.  My sister has some great ideas for decorations and Ariel is really excited.

While in the new party store in Clarksville Anthony reached down and grabbed his pants and said "I'm wet"  and wet he was.  My first accident outside of home but still very proud of my boy and his big boy underwear.  He told me he had to poop in Target a couple of days ago and it took him more time to decided if he wanted to pee like daddy and stand up (the stool was too high) or to sit down and pee (but the hole was "too big-a-me").  He finally decided that sitting down was the way to go and the faces began.  I wish I could get a video of those #2 faces.  My poor kid is going to have hemorrhoids at age 4 if he doesn't take it a bit easy.  lol.

Wow from the painting of christian song lyrics to 3 year olds pooping, this blog entry went all over the place didn't it?  Guess my coffee is working but my brain isn't. Good ol time change.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Love that you are selling your stuff. I knew it would go over BIG! :)