Monday, March 28, 2011


Hooray the big yellow bus came this morning! The only problem was that we were not there to get on it.  Victoria had apparently been playing with her alarm and the time was incorrect.  Her alarm went off at 3am.  It woke up her, Addison and myself. Addison is now wide awake and it is 3am. She is wanting breakfast and a story read to her.  I pulled her into my bed and rubbed her back until she dozed off again.  I had trouble going to sleep as I was catching up on all my TV watching that I had been missing due to the busy Spring Break schedule and fell asleep on the couch around 1:30ish.  I had my alarm set on my cell phone and apparently had it set on vibrate.  So at 7:08 I had a panicked Victoria standing next to my bed worried that she would not make it to school. Once I got up she moved at a turtle's pace to get ready.  Frustration set in early.....around 3am this morning.  Ugh! glad to be back to routine but does it have to resemble a train wreck?

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