Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Walmart rant...big time!

I will miss you but New Albany Walmart you have lost my business!  I am still not sure about the others I am still waiting for my blood pressure to come down.  After the bus came I headed to Walmart to get a bit of grocery shopping done.  While in there I wandered past the lingerie department and found thigh highs, panties, garter belt, stilletos....ON A CUSTOMER.  She looked to have been around 18-19 and I have to say it appeared to have just gotten off of her "shift".  There she was only wearing undergarments from the waist down and wearing a jacket to cover her top half.  I was completely shocked and appalled!  This isn't even the most shocking part!  Three Walmart employees were assisting her in finding a bra size!  Anthony and Addison gave her a look and Addison said "That lady is naked!"  I diverted the kids attention and hurried away to get my yogurt. 

Once I got up to the front of the store I asked to speak to a manager.  The check out girls were saying that he managers were contemplating if they could ask her to leave as she was "covered".  All of the women up front were disgusted and she was the talk of the store.  The manager walked up and I said "I am sure you are already aware of what my complaint is."  He responded "Yes, we are aware and believe she has left."  I looked him dead in the eye and said "She shouldn't have been able to come in the door dressed like that.  My kids or anyone else needs to be seeing that and nobody else is going to deal with my kids saying that they saw someone naked at Walmart. It is completely inappropriate and should have never happened." He kind of brushed me off and apologized.  I told him that I would NOT be back and turned to walk away as my blood pressure was rising beyond my comfort level.  I realized that I was heading toward the wrong door I turned and guess who was walking right across the front of the store?  Miss garter belt.  I looked her dead in the eye and said "Com-plete-ly inappropriate.  My kids do NOT need to be seeing that." If nobody else was going to confront this girl out of fear I would.  Someone needed to stand up for what is right.  Whatever job, dress she wants to do is her own choice and not mine but it needs to stay in the places where children are not able to see such things.  I have chuckled at the whole "People of Walmart" pics but to actually see that was a bit more than I could handle.  I wrote the head manager an email and explained that "lower prices is not worth my children's innocence and fear of running into that at 7:30 am.  Meijer is just as convenient and I am well aware that if it was a figure like mine that walked in I would have been escorted out of the store without hesitation.  This is disgusting!

1 comment:

Michelle B. Baker said...

I'm interested to know if the lady responded to you. Also, I would be notifying Wal-Mart's corporate offices, since the local manager didn't do anything - especially since they purport to be a family-oriented store.