Thursday, March 24, 2011

I love my soldier and my sister

I met up with my sister and niece at the Scottsburg Walmart to begin our trip to the Indianapolis Children's museum.  We almost didn't think that the trip was going to happen as Addison wasn't feeling too well the day prior.  After a long nap she woke up good as new and saying she felt much better.  My sister and I have been looking forward to the trip for a month or so and we never do anything together just the two of us with the kids so we decided to take advantage.  I am so glad we did. 

Like I said we met up and my sister got out of the car and handed me a bag.  "Here you go.  Just a little something for you." I opened the bag and immediately became puzzled.  The script was really swirly and I read "I love my soldier"  What?  Am I reading that right?  Maybe it says Savior?  Nope that definitely says soldier.  "Um, I love my soldier?"  My sister turned immediately red and said "I THOUGHT IT SAID SISTER!"  I fell to the parking lot in laughter and told her that I will cherish it forever and will wear it in hopes to get military discounts at different places.  LOL.

The drive up was fun, no problems at all and we found the place without any difficulty. First thing we see when we walk in is a full size Bumblebee from Transformers.
Then onto the lower level to take in the blown glass exhibit. This was so pretty.  You can stand under the floor and look up to see this. Awesome isnt' it?
As we left the blown glass exhibit "something" caught Anthony's eye! Hmm wonder why?

 Really fun times were to be had by the kids in the Dora and Diego exhibit.  Lots of interactive play.  Pirate ships..
 Rock climbing...
 Some flower planting...
 and a ride in the car with Addison behind the wheel.
 One of the neatest exhibits was the costumes that they had on display including Darth Vader, I dream of Jeanie, Dreamgirls, Terminator, Indiana Jones, and the kids favorite and actual hat worn by the wicked witch of the west in Wizard of Oz. The kids stared at this for quite some time. 
 We visited Egypt and rode a donkey.

Looked underwater to see what there was to see in a creek.

Played in a "Addison sized doll house"

and said goodbye to Bumblebee before we left. 

The kids had an absolute blast and they were so incredibly well behaved that I was beaming all day long.  So glad we went and will be making a trip back.  Next time I will ask for a military discount with my T-shirt on.  :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

LOL on the shirt. That is hilarious. Glad you guys had a great time! Looks like too much fun! :)