Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Can I brag a bit?

My husband is the bestest!  What a weekend!  He went above and beyond for me by putting up the shelves that I have been wanting and filling out some paperwork I was having a hard time with.  The kids now have some shelves that they are very excited about.  I am sure that they will continue to be until the figure out that mommy wanted them up so that she can put toys out of reach so that bed time goes a bit smoother.  He would send me random little texts while he was out running errands just to say that he loved me.  Super affectionate and completely and totally home.  I know it is hard for him at times to be mentally at home when there is so many things that occupy our time when he is here and people pulling him in a thousand different directions.  I felt like a princess and the kids even though they didn't act much differently than they normally do my focus was on him alone instead of the chaos that surrounded us.  I hated for it to end but looking forward to next weekend when we see Larry the Cable guy.  Honey that extra effort is really being noticed.  Thank you so much for giving me such an amazing weekend and I can't wait to stash some toys up high so that the kids will go to sleep instead of playing.  Love you!

1 comment:

Jill said...

He is such a teddy bear. :)