Friday, April 15, 2011


I forgot to share an embarrassing story about Serve Day earlier.  Thought you all would enjoy.

As I said before I was doing face painting and I had drawn up a little menu so to speak of things to paint.  I forgot it at home along with a mirror to show the kids how their face looked as I was painting.  :(  I didn't have any trouble with the kids thinking of what they wanted to have painted on them.  I had some crafty ones wanting a unicorn, tiger, wrestlers face mask before I got the 10 deep line of girls wanting Justin Bieber painted on them.  Too funny!  One little girl walked up with her mom and said "I want a well."  I must have looked a bit puzzled when I asked her to repeat herself because when I looked at her mom she was burying her head in her hands trying to keep from laughing. I thought to myself what a strange thing to ask for so I began to have a little convo with God.  "OK what is this about?  There has to be a reason show me what you are needing me to do here."  I smile really big and then it's hits me, tell her about the woman that gave Jesus a drink at the well!  Oh God you are so crafty!  So I began to tell her the very basic story of Jesus coming to a well and being thirsty and the Samaritan woman gave him a drink.   She looked at me a bit puzzled with the "OK lady whatever." look on her face.   Remember no mirror, she has no clue how adorable her wishing well is on her cheek.  I say "Almost finished let me put a little pail hanging from it." She gave me a sideways glance and I sent her on her way feeling proud of the opportunity to minister to this little one. 

I was telling my dad the following day about the little girl and how much fun serve day was and Victoria was sitting beside him.  She looked up at me in a matter of fact way and said "Mom I think she wanted a 'whale'.".  "Ooooooooh that makes a bit more sense." This poor kid was walking around in a sea of children with their tigers, unicorns, zebras, ladybugs, and Justin Biebers with a wishing well smacking on the side of her face.  Could you imagine her going to the bathroom to see her big "whale" on her face only to find that she had something that didn't make any sense to her from the crazy lady with the paintbrush talking about Jesus being thirsty?  Poor kid.  Maybe I should have shared the story of Jonah!  lol

1 comment:

Jill said...

That is hilarious! :)