Saturday, April 16, 2011

Perfect Love

Last night I got the privilege of participating in a conference held at my church called Perfect Love.  All I have to say is WOW!  Great turnout!  Hundreds of women came to hear God's word preached and to be encouraged.  The worship was amazing and the specials that were sung left you with tears in your eyes and goosebumps all over you body.  The speakers did an amazing job of describing "Perfect Love".  Perfect Love isn't easy love like we like to think.  Perfect doesn't mean all roses and sunshine.  Perfect is unconditional.  It embraces, disciplines, cherishes, forgives, and loves no matter what.  God's love is EVERLASTING and led Him to give his perfect Son.  He saw us when we were filthy with sin and He loved us.  Even His plan for creation shows his love for us.  How He created the world.  He didn't just drop us in the water and say "Tread water here for a bit while I separate the land and give you things to eat."  One woman that spoke made this point and although it gave us all a chuckle when you really think about it, it is amazing.  I am so filled by my church and the women in it that are not afraid to stand up for what is right and allow God to use them.  I have to say that the night was "Perfect". 

1 comment:

Jill said...

Wish I could have made it. Glad it was so "perfect". : )