Monday, November 12, 2007

The taste of alcohol

No not that kind of alcohol, although that sounds good right about now. Tis the cold and flu season. Both babies have a cold now and James left for work today feeling horrible. My mom now has it (you might as well cut off my right arm) along with my dad. I have used so much Lysol in the house and rubbed so much Purell on my hands that I can taste the alcohol in the air. Knock on wood Victoria and I have dodged the bullet.

Today was the twins 2 month check up. Yes that is right already 2 months old I can hardly believe it myself. Lil Miss Addison is now the front runner in weight. She is a whopping 9lb 6 oz. and Anthony is 9lb 1 oz. His weight is slowing and I am sure it is due to his eating troubles. He just won't keep a suction on a nipple and crushes it once he gets it in his mouth. He is such a powerhouse he makes me VERY glad that I didn't try really hard to breast feed....OUCH! The doctor has recommended a visit to the occupational therapist to help him figure out how to eat better. We kind of went through this with Addison while she was in the hospital. She would throw her tongue into the back of her mouth to block her throat and would let all of the milk run out of the sides of her mouth. Now Anthony seems to be doing the same thing from time to time. It gets very frustrating! So we are going to try to get him some help for him so he can figure it out. My heart broke into a million pieces today too. They had their first immunizations. 4 shots and one oral each. It killed me to hear them cry while getting stuck. The nurse was very quick and I thanked her over and over for that.

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