Friday, November 30, 2007

Little known Christmas carol facts and our Charlie Brown Christmas tree

Did you know that "Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer had very shiny clothes"? Did you also know that "one foggy Christmas tree Santa came to say"? Don't be upset if you didn't know these things because I didn't either. Victoria and I took a trip to Wally World to check out the Christmas aisle. We needed to get a table top tree for her room and I wanted to get a new Christmas CD for our rides in the car to look at Christmas lights. I have a few good ones with my favorites but she doesn't know any of them so she can't sing along, and for her that is a MUST! So I found a $5 CD with Rudolph, Frosty, Rockin around the Christmas tree, and other kid popular songs. I didn't know that it was going to be such an educational experience for me to learn the hidden lyrics of old favorites.

While in the decorations we found our tree for her room. It was a dollar (which was about our budget) and it was in a bag (not a good sign). I thought what the heck and purchased it with a small package of pink ornaments to go with her obnoxious sweet tart purple room (really you need to see it to appreciate it). We headed home with our new toys and went straight to decorating the tree. I pulled the 24 incher out of the bag and proceeded to "fluff" the 2-3 branches that the tree came with. The tree is pitiful! I added my 50 count lights to it, (little did I know that the branches would barely support them it looks like the poor thing is radioactive with 50 lights on this itty bitty thing) and I used Victoria's pink feather boa for a makeshift tree skirt. Each of the branches had to carry the weight of 2 of the mini ornaments, which was questionable, because there just isn't enough branches to put one on each. I know that putting both lights and ornaments I am violating the weight capacity but I guess it turned out alright. If you ask her it is just as pretty as the Rockefeller tree. She thanked me by handing me my tail in a game of Candyland.

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