Friday, December 12, 2008


I have never missed an opportunity to complain about the kids driving me nuts so I have to take the opportunity to praise them on how well they did today.

The babies 15 month doc appointment was today. I was unsure how it would go considering that I went to check on the babies last night after giving them a bath and found Anthony laying in a mess asleep on his bed. Seemed dinner didn't agree with him or his "bug" hasn't completely left his little body. Needless to say Anthony arrived extra clean with 2 baths for the night. They have grown 2 inches in 3 months and now are weighting 20.1 for Anthony and 20.11 for Addison. While waiting in the room they just walked around and played with the table and sissy. Victoria was abducted by aliens and was so well behaved I couldn't stop smiling (which is hard to do when you are waiting on the doc to enter the room). She was so cute with them keeping them entertained while we waited.

After one shot and a prescription for some magic butt creme (lol) We headed off to get our prescription filled and get Anthony a bottle of Claritin to see if that will help with the chronic congestion that he has. Poor little guy snorts when he is eating and snores like his father, well almost. Grandma Harb met us at Target and we headed to Horseshoe, formerly Ceasers, to eat. Grandma gets to eat free and gets to bring a guest so we were happy to oblige. The food was great, service was even better and Anthony left with a new girlfriend. He was really laying on the charm blowing kisses to our server. Addison covered herself in mashed potatoes and we headed out to let Victoria play on the moving sidewalk, always a favorite for children.

We spent a couple hours in Walmart shopping and even still after leaving the house before 9 and getting a shot the babies and Victoria were still on their best behavior pushing 6, and that is with no nap. I couldn't' have asked for better children. So well behaved and polite I wanted the day to never end.

When we got home Addison and Anthony started their obsession with Little People. Mom started her obsession with them after a visit at Mary Beth's mom's house. Davis Mary Beth's adorable son has all kinds of them and I just fell in love. Addison has been toting around a block Grandma found at a yard of a little girl with piggy tails and we figured with the Christmas present from my Granny that Little People was the way to go with our first purchase. Addison got a car with a mommy and little baby in the back seat that plays music and honks and Anthony got a cop car that has a working siren. When he figured out how to turn the siren on by pushing the lights on top of the car he continued to push it and give me a look like "Did you see that? I, Boogie Bear, made that happen!" He felt so powerful.

Oh I wouldn't trade today for the world. I get frustrated a lot about very minor things and forget to just appreciate my kids and today God reminded me that they are a joy, a joy indeed!

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