Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Indy and then the in-laws

James woke up very early this morning to make it to Indy to take care of more paperwork for the semi and I spent the morning looking for documents online to fax to him when he got there (later finding out that he didn't need them, so typical of goverment offices) Once he hit the door we were in bath mode and the kids all took a bath together for the first time. Victoria was in hog heaven. We kept the babies bathtub in the tub and just let the water overflow in it. Victoria got to help them wash their hair and really felt like she was doing something special, not knowing that we were throwing all of them in there to save some time, and hot water.

We took off and got to Mom and Dad's around 5ish and started stuffing our faces. We watched an awesome DVD, CD, CDR (that is for you Tyler) that he had put together for the family of pictures of the past year. Wow we have changed, the babies are growing like weeds and I need to get my butt to the gym tomorrow! LOL! We stayed for about 3 or so hours and my hubby started to fall over on me from getting up so early and Victoria caught wind of someone saying that tonight Santa comes and she was coat on, and in the car, in 2 seconds.

When we got home I got everyone in bed and started the assembly of the Santa presentation. I hadn't had a chance to get all of Victoria's toys out from Mamaw and Papaw's party or the kitchen set she got with Gramma Harb's "credit card" so I grabbed my screwdriver and James grabbed a bag of goldfish and watched me knuckles bleeding while I put together Victoria's kitchen. He and I joked around for about an hour about me getting banged up and him being an owner/operator now and not having to do any assembly in the house, while laughing hysterically. We had a ball! I tip toed into Victoria's room and placed her presents under the tree that Santa had put up in her room and displayed her other gifts around the tree with a note from Santa explaining the meaning of Christmas and that he had assembled all of the toys because he saw that mom and dad had been really busy the past few days. I fell into bed and James and I were asleep in about 10 minutes.

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