Tuesday, September 22, 2009

10 minutes...

In just ten minutes of my day I started a load of laundry, Addison removed 3 diapers that were duck taped on, Anthony removed his also and was spanking himself for me, I took the garbage to the end of the driveway to be greeted with torrential downpour before I hit the porch on my way back, I went to put a new garbage bag in the trash can and couldn't find the lid and found it a few minutes later under all of the clothes that I shoved into the washing machine. It was placed perfectly right on top of the agitator and was tangled up in the sheets that had been peed on throughout the day. I am going to bed, before I hurt myself. :0) This was just 1 minutes of my day, you don't want to know the rest. You have got to laugh!

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