Monday, September 7, 2009

Momma never told me that if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all so here I go....

Oh man where do I begin? Been rough around here. I am ready for Victoria's womb donor to be locked back up. That is very mean and probably not the best way to feel about this but I am very tired of dealing with this woman's poor decisions directly affecting our home. I have already had my fair share of tears from Victoria after finding out that Mommy Tina is lying again. Hmm let's see, I have had to explain to a confused little girl that her mommy's boyfriend of a week and a half is NOT her "other dad" and that his son's are not her "brothers". Explain to a crushed little girl that Mommy Tina DIDN'T call James, like she told her, and get permission to take Victoria to a birthday party after the church service that she also told Victoria that she was going to attend to see her on the stage. (picture me going to every security person and teacher in church, in a completely panic, to make sure that nobody else tried to pick Victoria up from class beside me and her father) She has asked Victoria to lie about seeing Mommy Tina kiss "Uncle Terri" on the lips also known as "Thomas the new boyfriend this week" This is just to name a few. We haven't received a dime of child support, and not one of her visits with Victoria has ended without Victoria having questions. I have tried to hide my feelings for this woman from Victoria and let Victoria make her own assumptions about her biological mother. It is just getting harder and harder. I am in the process of following up with a friend of mine from Church that works for Healthy Families of Southern Indiana on getting Victoria an advocate. I am trying to find some way to get answers to what our rights are as custodial parents with visitation. Our agreements was written up before this last of 3 total arrests she has had. There has to be some way to get at least court supervised visitation. This can't be healthy for her. I know it is doing a toll on my sanity.

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