Sunday, April 25, 2010

So how are those supervised visits going?

I'm sure you are all wondering...  So I will give you a taste of what we are dealing with after visits.  The visits are weekly for an hour at a Counseling Center (that I am not to impressed with so far) and 2 hours in our home on the weekends.  Victoria is a nervous wreck after the visits 90% of the time.  She regresses in her behavior and has near full blown panic attacks.  Night terrors happen weekly.  Victoria comes home from the visits at the counselors office with amazing stories that Tina tells while there of her ex-husband "forcing Victoria's brother and sister to move to FL".  We heard of Tina getting pulled over by the cops so that they could look in her purse and see if she has drugs.  She said she didn't have drugs but they "took all of her money" out of her purse and "ripped her wedding ring off of her finger"  This did wonders on the 3 years of work I have put into "Cops are not bad people.  They help keep us safe not just come and take people away to jail"  Thanks Tina!  She apparently talks openly about court cases and her situation in front of Victoria.  The visits here at the house such as the one today is mainly Victoria trying to play with Tina while she texted/downloaded music/played on her phone.  Victoria had to say her name multiple times on many occasions to get her attention to what they were playing together.  She was so wrapped up in her phone.  I am ready to drop kick her out of my front door but I will bite my tongue and be a good little girl.  As a sweet friend of mine always tells me I won't be able be of help to anyone if I am in jail too.  :)

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