Friday, April 30, 2010

Clean slate

Is there anything better than spring cleaning?  I love it!!  I don't love the energy that it requires but I feel amazing.  Such a productive day.  Great for the house and great for the mind.  I have been in a slump for a week seems like.  Last week was so rough and it just carried over until about mid week of this week. 

I moved the furniture in Victoria's room for a change of scenery in her room for her.  She loved it and told me, "Mommy you made my day!"  I am proud to report that Victoria's card stayed on green all week this week at school and she only had one mark on her behavior chart.  Go Victoria!  She has earned a bit of a new wardrobe complete with light up Sketchers.

Our bedroom closet is cleaned top to bottom and we took about 10 garbage bags of clothes to Goodwill.  I then of course entered the store and left with a bag of clothes.  :)  Then it was off to Meijers to get some flowers for the house.  Mom got me a planter for Mother's day.  I have wanted one to hang off of the side of my porch since I got it.  So nice to see the hints of color surrounding my yard. 

After all of that cleaning some Strawberry shortcake sounded like a great way to celebrate.  We all sat at the table and I noticed one of our bunnies outside just hopping around.  We have many around our neighborhood.  I got Anthony's attention and he got all excited "Bunny Bop Bop Bop (Hop Hop Hop"  The he got REALLY excited and said "AAAH   AHHH at'sa bee bee?"  We all looked a bit puzzled at each other and then we all leaned up to look out the window again.  Sure enough there were two baby bunnies that Anthony had spotted.  They had to be the cutest darn things that I have ever seen.  About the size of a baked potato.  We spent the rest of our dessert breaking our necks trying to see the bunnies while shoving shortcake in our face.  I would have to say that it was one of the best days that I have had in a while.  My mind was certainly due.  Thanks for the help Honey and thanks for FINALLY buying me some flowers!  I was thinking the kind in the vase but will take the kind that goes in the ground.

1 comment:

Jill, Kevin, Mary, and Teresa said...

I got to do that in the girls rooms on Sunday....well Monday has rolled around and it's back to the same 'ol mess it was. HOLLY CRAP!