Monday, September 19, 2011

Bless this food

Dinner tonight was turkey pot pies.  I thought the kids would get a kick out of it as they would get their own pie.  I was sadly mistaken.  Anthony was very excited when I told him that he would get a whole pie to himself.  My son likes to eat in case you didn't know :).  I then told him that it was a mini pie and he looked puzzled and a bit disappointed.  "Is it thick?" He asked hoping his vision of a whole pie (full size) had gone down the drain.  I plopped the pot pies on the plate upside down and chopped them up so that they would be able to cool and added a bit of salt and pepper.  He came into the kitchen sat down and looked at his plate.  I could see it in his eyes.  Kind of a what the heck is this thing?  I thought I was getting a pie!  This looks like it has already been eaten and I haven't even started.  He took a bite but the disappointment of not seeing the "pie" was a bit too much for him.  I tried and tried to get him to eat but he wasn't budging.  Birthday cake for dessert wasn't even working.  I ended up having him throw it away (Addison didn't eat hers either)

Tonight Anthony's prayers went a lil something like this:

Dear God, Thank you for our prayers and stuff.  Thank you for my mom and for taking care of us and stuff.  I am sorry that I always want juice and didn't get to have cake with Mom and Tori I just didn't like that dinner.  Amen!

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