Thursday, September 1, 2011

Turning 4

 Our week started out with hanging out at the museum.  We had so much fun and learned that going there during the week early morning was the way to get the whole place to ourselves.  It was awesome.  We got to play in the water and enjoy the play room all by ourselves.  No worries of losing my kids in the crowd.

 On our birthday morning we woke up and found presents on the fireplace just waiting for us.  Mom misjudged how big 40 sq foot of wrapping paper is and had to wrap my gift in tissue paper.  It didn't matter to me I got my pillow pet that I wanted along with a Transformer.  Addison enjoyed her pillow pet unicorn and Birthday Barbie doll too.

Mom took us to Michael's to get something to paint.  That was what Bubby wanted to do.  We picked out some wooden dinosaurs and a picture frame to paint. 

 Sissy wanted to go and pick a treat from a tree so Mommy surprised her and we went to Hubers orchard to pick apples and peaches.  It was so much fun! Grandma had fun too!
 It took more concentration than I thought to pick the treats.  Mom kept getting picky and telling us to not throw the apples full force into the bag as if dunking a basketball. :)
 We ran down the rows of apple trees and broke mommy's heart into a million pieces with special photo opportunities.  I see this pic in photo montages to come. 
 Anthony got yet another wish come true with a picnic.  I got to get chips on my sandwich just like I always wanted.  It was so awesome. 
 Grandma let me borrow her hat she got at Michael's and it was great while hanging over the railing to look at the Koi in the lake.
 Showing mom my up to no good smile.  She sees it quite a lot but good to document. 

Addison checking out the flowers in the garden by the restaurant.
 Anthony was getting a bit tired of Mommy's persistent picture taking.  This is another look I get quite a bit from him.
The perfect shirt for today.
 Such a nice relaxing birthday celebration for me and for them.  I have to say that this has been one of my favorites.  I hate that they are growing up so fast but watching them grow is such a blessing.  I enjoy them so much even on the days that I want to pull my hair out I would do anything for them.  Mommy loves you!

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