Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy 8th Victoria

The festivities started on Friday when Victoria came home with a prize from the treasure box.  You relieve these when you don't get your name moved on the behavior chart all week long.  So proud!  I took her up to Salem to the festival on the square.  It was the kick off of the Old Settlers days there.  Victoria came home ran downstairs to put her backpack up and Addison ran to the top of the stairs and yelled "COME ON VICTORIA WE ARE GOING TO THE VEGETABLE!!!"  I heard Victoria downstairs "The what?!?!?!"  Addison yelled down again "THE VEGETABLE!"  Upon correcting her she just gave a shrug and an "oooooooohhhhh"  then her cute little giggle.
When we got there my mom had made her famous zoo cake and decorated a Birthday chair for her at the table.  She opened her card to find some Birthday cash.  Always a hit!

 Addison decided to stay at the house with Grandpa and Anthony Victoria and I headed up with Grandma to the "vegetable"  I had to take this pic for her.  There was indeed vegetables!
 There was Victoria's favorite POT ROAST!  Anyone that has followed my blog any amount of time knows about her love for the stuff! Speaking of food on the way home from the "vegetable" we stopped at McDonalds for something to drink.  I asked my mom about the beautiful trees lining the drive thru.  "Mom what are those?  They are so pretty!"  She responded "Those are Hibiscus." from the back seat Anthony pipes up "Mmm I want a biscuit!"
  One thing that she wanted was to take her training wheels off her bike.  She gave it a good go but will still need some practice.  The kids across the street have given her a push in this department as she never mentioned wanting them off before. 
 We also learned this night that silly string scares the snot out of Anthony.  In a split second it went from fun to having to put it out of sight.  Seriously scared him to death.
 When she went to bed on Saturday night I grabbed my decorating stuff and went to town on the stairwell.  Tape doesn't stick to well to textured walls I discovered.  Pretty much all of it was at the bottom of the stairs when she woke up but she understood what we were going for.  :)

 With the money from Grandma and Grandpa and the money from mom and dad she decided to get a razor kick scooter for herself.  You should have seen her at the register with her money.  So grown!

When we headed home from our trip to buy her scooter and our outing to see Smurf (which turned out to be pretty good) I grabbed some Little Ceasers.  I mentioned her cake waiting at home and Addison said "We didn't get a cake for OUR birthday!"  I hadn't realized that they switched their mind and decided to go boating on the day I had the cook out planned.  The didn't get a cake but I had already purchased candles for them before we decided to go to the river.  We decided for a community Birthday cake.  Everyone is 484 years old today!  Mom is still 29  ;)!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Happy Birthday to Miss Victoria! : )