Thursday, September 29, 2011

The glass as 35..

Alright I am just going to cut to the chase and say that I was NOT looking forward to this birthday AT ALL!  Not a fan or birthdays that end it the number 5.  There is something about that halfway mark that gets to my emotions and causes me to reflect on what is what was and what could and should've been. I have so many things to be thankful for. Such as my husband staying home and getting some stuff done around the house and even remembering to get a card before he gets home from work that makes my heart burst.  Kids that look up at me and sparkle with their happy birthdays makes my heart break in two.  It reminds me that they are now 8 and 4 and that there will come a time when Mommy won't be able to be here for them and that there will be a time (only a few blinks away as we are reminded) when they will have their own family and won't fit in my lap anymore for a hug.  I have nothing to worry about I know where I am going when it comes my time but this birthday is just causing me to reflect on my mortality.  Not trying to be a Debbie Downer just being honest.  With that being said I made the best of the day with minimal tears early in the morning as well snuggled in bed and moved on after dusting myself off.

My buddy Leslie offered to give me a facial and haircut and I jumped all over it!  YES PLEASE! It has been about a year since my last haircut and I was in desperate need.  The facial was awesome and it was so good to see her.  I was then on the hunt for some awesome boots.  I love the boot styles out there now. I am not sure how to wear them.  I mean I know "on your feet" but what to put them with as my wardrobe is mostly sweat pants and t-shirts.  Oh well I will keep searching.  I did however find some jeans.  TWO pair to be exact!  Super excited about that and even got a size smaller than last time.  SUPER excited about that!  It was a nice relaxing laid back day and tomorrow my mom, sister, niece, nephew, and his girlfriend are going to Horseshoe for the seafood buffet.  I believe Tyler, my nephew, and I are going to have a crab leg eating contest. 

I will chose to take my half full glass and fill it up to the brim this year.  :)

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