Friday, September 9, 2011

This and that

Wow the kids had quite a celebration for their birthday.  I am sitting here going through the blogs that I follow and thought "Oh wait!  I should probably post something to let people know I am still alive."  So here I am.  The festivities continued with another boat trip on the Ohio where Anthony clung to my neck for dear life swimming (Yes I know I NEVER thought I would swim in the Ohio but it was worth the germs to have the memories).  He was hanging on tight in the quarry when I told him to put his feet down.  "NO NO NO"  He wasn't aware that we were on the sand barge and he could touch.  He screamed while putting his feet down and all of a sudden stopped and said "I got my feet down!"  So cute! 

We headed to the riverfront last Sunday to see the Louisville Crashers on the river stage.  Was so stinkin hot but we had a great time.  Anthony got to hear Mark sing "Thoul Thister"  You know that song by Train?  He was in hog heaven!  There was probably about 3,000 people there, it was packed!  We found a place to sit on the lawn so that we could watch the kids dance.  Going to make it to more of their shows so that I can get a dancing spot.  ;)

We are making some plans on the house.  I am not a big fan of basement bedrooms if it isn't a walk out but we are in desperate need of more bedrooms.  The twins are getting older and need their own space badly so we have made the decision to move Victoria's room down to what is now the playroom.  We asked her about it to feel out her thoughts on it.  She was super siked!  After all it is the biggest room in the house as far as bedrooms are concerned and she will have plenty of space to grow in it.  It already has a closet in there as it was James' bedroom when he lived in the house before.  We are then moving Anthony into Victoria's room as it has the blue carpet and Addison will remain in the room they are in now.  I am thinking that what won't fit in their rooms as far as toys will remain downstairs for the kids to play with.  After looking down in the playroom tonight at the mess of toys I believe there won't be much left after all the cars go into Anthony's room and dolls in the girls etc.  Sorry I am beginning to ramble on about stuff as I am sorting it out in my head.  I will post pics of progress.  This mean decorating which I LOVE and I can plan a room for Anthony and Addison.  Trying to think of how to decorate their room with both of them in it is a bit of a challenge.  Trucks doesn't really go well with princesses.

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