Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The storm before the storm

Today I was ready to head to my mom's house to take shelter from the severe storm that is heading our way. Little did I know that storm of another kind was moving in. I called Bridgepointe today to make an appointment for Victoria for an evaluation for counseling and was turned down. They told me that they do not do family counseling and that they would only offer help to Anthony. I ended up cancelling the appointment and became disgusted with another road block in getting help for this poor child.

After letting the rejection from Bridgepoint set in I received a call from Vicki, James mom. She was very upset and crying and called to let me know that they found Cancer in Papaw's colon and that it has already spread to his lymph nodes. We are not yet sure what stage it is in and the are starting chemo very soon. I was asked to tell James this horrible news. I called my dad unable to find the words to tell my husband that his dad is facing a diagnosis of Cancer that has already spread. While on the phone James was beeping in calling my dad. Dad decided to deliver the news to him for me. He of course is not doing well and away from home. I want nothing more than to be able to hug him and comfort him. I am not sure how much more we can handle here as far as stress factors. Life is dealing us some incredible miracles and yet sending some real trials too. This too shall pass and God will take care of us he always has and always will. Please pray for us.

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