Thursday, February 19, 2009

Miss Bloody ear, Mr. Nebulizer boy, Grandma Harb, Miss I hate peas, and I on a typical adventure

Last night Victoria went to bed after a long day of complaining about things hurting her. She pretty much covered head to toe. She stayed doped up on Motrin along with Anthony and tried to get lots of rest. About 10 the tears wouldn't stop and I started calling and asking advice for an ear infection.

I tried the hair dryer that worked for a bit and called the doc at about midnight to see if there was something else that I could do. The nurse called in a prescription for some numbing drops to help relieve the pain. At 1:00am I loaded up the kids in the car and headed for Walgreens drive thru.

While idling my car loading up the kids my car was jumping from 1000 rpms to 2000 repetitively every second. I said a quick little prayer and headed out of the drive way. My engine light came on about half way to Walgreens, with 3 crying kids in the back seat. I started and turned off my car a couple of time while waiting for my prescription and it continued to do the same thing. Then puttered a little bit on the way home on the interstate. I have never prayed so hard in my life.

We got home and get Victoria's ear drops in her ears and sent her back to bed. She cried from 1:30 to about 3. Nothing would console her. She finally fell asleep around 3:30.

This morning she woke up and had blood on her pillow, hair, and running out of her ear. She was freaked out and I have to say that I was too. I called the doc immediately ( I had already planned on taking her and Anthony to the doc ) and got an appointment for the two of them.

One quick call to Grandma for help and about a half an hour later we were in the car heading to the doc. We made a pit stop to pick up James truck at his parents house so that Mom could follow me to the mechanic after the doc visit. The office visit was "interesting" to say the least. Victoria was getting her ear cleaned out I was learning how to give Anthony a breathing treatment and Addison is trying to play slide down Grandma's legs and try to get out of the room when the nurse comes in all at the same time. We found out Victoria perforated her eardrum and now has an antibiotic and some ear drops along with another appointment in a couple of weeks to follow up. No specialist is needed unless symptoms become worse. Anthony got his oxygen tested and his first breathing treatment. Let me just tell you how much fun that is chasing a 1 1/2 year old around with something that looks like a microphone stuck under his nose. HE WAS NOT HAPPY!! He was sent home with a nebulizer and we have to do that every 4-6 hours now.

After the doc we were off to Walgreens again. Miss blood coming out of the ear, had two little bottles of medicine, and Mr. I am having a hard time breathing, had a package of stuff that wouldn't even fit in the carrier in the drive thru. I had to get out of the car and get it at the window while by butt was rubbing against the car beside me in line at the pharmacy drive thru. Mom and I were cracking up. We then headed home to feed the kids. Victoria will not eat anything and Addison, although the healthiest one, was ticked off at the sight of peas on her tray. Victoria is VERY emotional and everything is making her cry. She seems really uncomfortable and I would have to say I would be to with how much blood is coming out of her ears. Anthony just wanted to know when we were going to get around to his morning nap.

After feeding the kids and transferring both car seats into James truck so we could leave the car at the shop, we were off to Salem to get the car fixed. We waited around while they ran a diagnostic on it. Seems my idle air control valve (or as i call it the bank account emptying valve) is out and it is something that needs to be fixed or we could do more damage. Doesn't it figure!

I left my car at the shop and headed back to New Albany to get everyone doped up on their meds again. Grandma helped as I tried to give Anthony another breathing treatment. I am sure there is a trick to it I just haven't figured it out yet. Victoria was out within an hour of being home and woke up just long enough to eat a hot dog and some applesauce and go back to bed. Grandma hung around long enough to watch Survivor and make sure that I wasn't going to crack up after the day we had today. I am beat! I hope and pray that Victoria gets a good night sleep tonight and we see a significant difference tomorrow. I am not sure her and I can make it through another day like today. Thank God for my mom's help. There is no way that I would be sane without her today. I am exhausted, we need prayers for the little ones and Mommy's brain. Hope tomorrow is better.

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