Friday, February 6, 2009

My how time flies

Seems as though I have been busy since James has been home. I haven't posted in a while. Things have been good. Still a whole lot of stuff truck related going on. I got to go with James in the truck for a night while the grandparents watched the kids. I just love going with him. I love the view. You can see so much while up in the air that high. I was proud of myself I usually fall asleep while he is driving. I always sleep so well in the bunk as he is driving down the road. The humming of the engine and the vibration of the road just sends me into la la land and within a hour I am snoozing. This time I made it awake the whole way. It was nice to catch up with him and get some uninterrupted time talking without responsibilities getting in the way.

He is starting with his new company Rush next week. He has found a dedicated run going back and forth from Cincinnati 2ce a day, 5 days a week. He will not be farther than an hour and a half from home. I am not sure if that means that he will be home every night or not but it will be great to have him so close to home while still bringing in a decent paycheck. We will be able to stick with a budget and know what is coming in the bank account on a weekly basis and eliminate the guess work. We both are really excited about that.

Tonight I have a little bit of hair to do then I am off with Mom for a much needed girl's night. Mom and all of her buddies go dancing at Starbase Q, one of the local gay bars in Louisville. It is always a fun night watching men in tiaras line dancing. Last time I went with Mom they were having a drag night I could go on and on about the sights of that night. You gotta love gay bar night with your mother. LOL!

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