Saturday, July 3, 2010

Craig 4th party

Oh my goodness we had so much fun!  Church was a blast. Incredible sermon and worship.  I was back on schedule to be upstairs with the kiddos in Large Group along with my team.  I missed it last month but enjoyed the break.

After service I headed over to my in-laws to meet up with my family.  We had quite a group.  My mom and dad came too and enjoyed watching the kids play in the back yard with the battery operated jeep.  My dad put some miles on the red double seated wagon and we ate and ate and ate.  Is there anything better than roasted corn on the cob?  I think not!

Fireworks led to my husband getting hit with a ball of flame......up the shorts.  One rather large spark hit the road and then bounced right up his shorts leg and gave him a second degree burn on both upper thighs.  A couple of years ago he got hit in the head with a bottle rocket and I have now banned him from setting a flame on anything that explodes.  On a good note Anthony got to touch his first sparkler.  He strutted as if he just touched the Olympic torch.  Such a cutie!  And Victoria and Addison danced in the glow of the fireworks screaming "OH MY MAN"  Addison's favorite exclamation.  We had a blast didn't make it back home until around 11:30ish.  We poured the kids in bed and crashed ourselves.

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