Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Such a sucker

There is one thing that is a bit more exciting than garbage day, than men bringing in a "back nove" in our house.  It is bank day.  Is there anything better than driving up to a window and they just hand you suckers for being cute?!?! I think not!  I had a doc appointment today and James came home to help me out with the kids.  He took the deposit to the bank and I hopped in the car from my appointment to find all three kids with suckers. Well let me rephrase that Anthony and Victoria had empty sucker sticks and Addison had a sucker that only half had been licked away.

My sweet little Addison Marie has eating sucker down to an art.  First you have to talk to it, then lick.  Show everyone that you have a sucker, then lick. Look at it to make sure that you are licking the right spot then lick again.  This gets repeated over and over and it usually takes her about an hour to finish a Dum Dum sucker from the bank.

On the other hand Victoria and Anthony's method of sucker eating is lick, lick, lick, lick CHOMP!!!

I look back at Addison and she has sucker all over her face.  Bangs to chin she is very very shiny!  We laugh at her and tease her about it and she just stares at us smiles really big and........lick.  About 10 minutes later Addison is in the back of the car yelling "What wrong wit my eyes? What wrong wit my eyes?"  I turn to see her trying to blink and her eyelids have so much sticky candy on them that her eyes won't close.  Picture my little princess in her car seat with her half eaten sucker that she has been working on since Sunday trying to blink and her eyelids are glued open.  It has to be one of the funniest things that I have ever seen her do.  She was so confused.  We got her straightened up and she is now able to blink again.  I thought for a second we were going to have to go to Walgreens and get some baby Visine.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Seriously, where was your camera when you needed it, right?! Would have loved to have seen a pic of that. LOL.