Friday, July 30, 2010


I have been waiting for the words to describe Summerfest and the experience that I had in the worship band.  I have just had to admit that there are no words. I was expecting jitters, some performance anxiety and to have work a little harder to have a "worship" experience because people would be staring at me and I would feel self conscience.  It was NOTHING like I expected!  First of all such a fun group of people to be with.  The turn out was amazing and when the music started to hear 200 voices coming back at you with such love and excitement for God I wanted to bust out of my skin.  By the second song I had my eyes closed and in a room full of people it was just me and God.  I haven't had a moment as powerful as that with God since the cross ceremony at Faces of Christ.  I was a blubbering mess up there and I made no apologies.  How is it that God can reach out and have such an intimate moment with you in a room full of people?  I will never forget tonight.  Thanks Amanda for coming.  It was a great surprise glad I got to hang out with ya a bit. 

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