Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Prep to testify

Here we go the preparations are under way for the big day tomorrow.  I haven't posted a whole bunch about all of the court stuff because as a friend said you never know who is reading out there.  But I have a hard time not venting...

James went into prep for his testimony.  I still don't believe that our attorney believes us that Tina's other children from Florida are coming up to testify against her along with her ex husband.  He just looks at us like it is unheard of along with a counselor that will testify for free.  He kept telling us to get our checkbook out and is just floored that he is not going to have to go to Florida to get the kids testimony. 

Makenzie is staying the night to keep the kids entertained while we are at the lawyers office and staying the night so that she can be here while we are at court.  Can I just say how much I am enjoying  having her around the house again?  She has grown so much and I am very proud of the woman that she is becoming.  She hit some road bumps but who doesn't in the younger years. 

Tomorrow is the big day.  Hope I get some sleep.

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