Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Me and my side kick and our day of cleaning

Bright and early we started Victoria and I.  The kids seem to be feeling better so we started detoxing the house of germs.  We have wiped and Lysoled every nook and cranny in this place. I couldn't have asked for a better helper than Victoria.  She did great and can I just put this out there that after the initial upset of the first day without Tina getting her Victoria's demeanor has been great!  Her anxiety has seemed to calm down and she is more relaxed.  She is very excited for first grade and we got all of her supplies marked and packed up in her backpack.  She is ready to go.  I am now relaxing in my super clean house that smells like alcohol and "Rainshower" carpet powder and I feel great!


Jill said...

Glad to hear everyone is feeling better. ;)

Amanda E said...

You seriously should write a book about the antics and funny things your kids have done.