Monday, January 31, 2011

My my what a migraine!

Alright busy day ahead.  Get the stuff I didn't get finished done today, go to lunch with mom, do some hair and host Bible study tonight.  Can I get it done? 

Addison woke up a bit cranky and wanting me to hold her all morning.  I found that odd even though she is my snugglier.  I got sick last night but also had a rough night with my night eating so didn't think much of it.  Around 8:30 it began the aura.  I couldn't see.  If someone was standing right beside me and asking me how many fingers they were holding up I wouldn't be able to tell them.  I have had this happen a few times before.  My first time was when I worked at the Lighthouse and I thought that someone had slipped something in my Diet Coke.  Turned out to be a migraine.  They start out without any pain and just the vision problems and then they turn into the killer headache.  I have heard people talk about having them and the sound of someone walking across the room in socks is too much for them.  Mine don't hurt that bad but bad for me.  Addison threw up on me around 10 to top this off.  I locked myself in the kids room and lined up some Veggie Tales on the TV.  I laid down on the floor and we all 3 slept for about 2 1/2 hours.  My kids are great nappers.  I woke up to a much more tolerable headache and still have a bit of one now.  Vision is 90% better and I feel more rested.  I just hope that I go to sleep tonight.  I would have to say that this is one of my kids favorite days in a long time.  No chores, we grabbed a Little Ceasers pizza, and rented a Redbox movie.  Mommy was taking the night off.  Hope all is gone by morning. 

1 comment:

Jill said...

You poor thing. Glad you're feeling a little bit better! : )