Monday, August 29, 2011

The King

Tonight was a rough night for homework. It didn't erupt into a full on fight but we were both getting pretty frustrated. It was math and I tried a different approach and tried to give her a visual of what we were trying to figure out. So I grabbed a bag of Pretzels and lay them down on the table getting out the right amount. We work through the problem some more and I ask her "Ok now, I want you to understand what makes a number even and a number odd. I want you to take 4 pretzels. If 4 odd or even?" She says "Even" I tell her "Ok Victoria, why?" She says "Well cuz there are four 'princles'." I look at her kind of crooked and say "Four what?" She again says "Princles!" I try for about 5 minutes to get her to say Pretzels. We finally have success after she gets upset that it keeps coming out princles. She thanks me and says "Thanks for helping me with that mom. I always thought it was princles you know like 'Elvis Princle'. I never knew it was Pretzels"