Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sticking to your guns

Tonight at dinner Anthony was not cooperating.  He just wouldn't stay at the table and eat.  OK so mommy added her rice to her chicken salsa dish in the crock pot instead of making it separately to save some time, making a big ol rice mass kind of like a treasure hunt for chicken and bits of salsa and beans.  I told him that he would not be getting any snacks tonight because of it.  I had a late night snack myself of a turkey sandwich with tomato and potato chips in the sandwich (my fav!) and Anthony watched. 
"Mom I wanna thip!" (still working on that speech problem)

"Anthony I told you that you were not going to get any snacks because you didn't eat your dinner"

"Mooom you can't put thips on you thamwich nooooo.  Tha nasty!"

"Oh bubby that is good.  Wait till you get a chance to try it."

He reaches in to try again to grab a chip.

"Anthony I told you no and I mean no."

"Mommy when I get to my big boy burthday I wan thamwich with thips inside" (mental note this birthday is going to work well with the budget. lol)

I take my sandwich in the living room and Addison and Anthony follow.  Addison is allowed to have chips as she ate her dinner.  Anthony positions Addison between him and me on the living room floor.  He leans toward the bag.  "Anthony don't even think about it buddy!"  He backs away and begins to tell me that he again wants a sandwich with chips inside for his birthday along with a green and black Transformer and a quarter to play the Batman game at Kart Country.  Addison informs me that she wants a present with paper and a ribbon she can "snap" and then take the paper off.  Anthony looks down to find that Addison has made a mess of chip crumbs on the floor.  "OH MAN,THISSY YOU MADE A MESS!  Don't wowwy Mom I will keen it up fo woo"  I see him squat down and begin picking up the chips off of the floor.  "Thank you Anthony." (crunch crunch)  "Annnnthony?"  He doesn't even raise up off the floor.  Squated down he throws his hands up in the air and says "WHAT?  It not even a chip it crumb!"  Then starts crying on the way to his room "It's just a crumb!"

It is tough sticking to your guns as a momma especially when it makes your tummy hurt from holding in laughter.  What can I say his persistence will do him well in life as an adult.

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