Saturday, August 27, 2011

Going over the plan

Early this morning I am up and planning my day. Vicki came this morning to take Victoria on a road trip to Vincennes to see her family.  She came out of the bathroom to find me packing a bag.  She looked at me cross eyed and said "Umm am I going somewhere?", kind of in a "Are you kicking me out?" sort of a way.  She was excited when she heard about the trip. I have the kids help me whip up a batch of cornbread to go with my awesome crock pot full of vegetable soup.  The kids are getting a kid out of using the corn meal they watched being made at Spring Mill.  We stick it in the oven and I go on with my morning.  I hop on FB to see what is going on in the world and am reminded that the Sellersburg Celebrates parade is this morning.  I look at the clock it is 9:30 and I can totally make it.  I yell for the kids to get dressed and I start to throw something on myself.  We run out to the car and the kids are chanting "parade! parade!"  As we are driving I am letting the kids know the plan for today.  "Alright you two this is what we are going to do today.  First we are going to go to the parade.  We are going to have to hurry so we must make sure that we have on our listening ears and do what mommy says so that we are not late to the parade.  We are going to watch the parade then we are going to come back home and have lunch and a quick nap.  After that we are going to head to church and go to Large Group and come back home to eat some of that awesome soup mommy made and the cornbread.....CRAP the cornbread!"  It's still in the oven! 

I whip my car around on Grant Line Rd and head back to the house, fast!  I swing my car into the driveway dodging the cars in the road for the yard sale across the street and tell the kids "Do NOT take your seat belts off.  Mommy is just going to get the cornbread out and I am back in the car."  It takes for ever waiting for them to buckle themselves in.  :) I walk in and check my microwave timer and see no smoke.  This is a good sign!  I have 15 minutes left on my cornbread and the parade starts in 4.  Hmm think think think.  I turn the oven off and leave the cornbread in the oven run out the door as all of the yard sellers are kind of looking at me wondering what the frantic woman across the street is in such a hurry for.  I get back on the road and find a parking spot and we speed walk a block to where the crowd is. 

I hear the sirens and Anthony is in superhero mode with his eyebrows down knees bent running low and fast to the noise and Addison my sweet prissy Addison has her hands out palms up with her Patton leather pink flip flops that she outgrew a few months ago working overtime.  Her face is serious with a touch of I should have worn different shoes but at least I look good mixed in.  Somehow we make it only missing one fire truck.  Not sure how but after my Redbox movie I rented last night I think it had something to do with the Adjustment Bureau. lol!  The parade was really cute and the kids enjoyed running to grab candy off the street but when they saw a float throwing out rubber duckies they lost their mind.  They both were able to grab one. So great and an American flag to go along with it.

We head home I check the cornbread and it is PERFECT!  I don't know how I pulled that one off a parade, cornbread and I didn't burn my house down.  We get our naps and then off to church.  After church we come home to eat then back to Northside to get Grandma and Grandpa with the bonus of Uncle Rick and Aunt Betty!  We drive off to Sellersburg Celebrates.

We decide to park in the fire department parking lot and follow the crowd.  The crowd is heading in a direction that doesn't seem to make sense but we follow anyway.  It does lead to the festivities but it also leads through what I like to call the tunnel of death.  A narrow path that cuts through some woods in the back part of the carnival area and across two sets of railroad tracks.  Standing on the tracks are some teenagers that look like they are up to no good and about 10 down the tracks is a group of teenagers that look like they are up to even less good.  A bit creepy as I am reaching in my purse for my pepper spray.  Glad I asked the parental figures to join me.  I was freaking out a bit. 

There we are in the crowd.  Looking for anything that looks like a hot hair balloon or even a stage.  No luck as we are surrounded by slides, swings, and mini roller coasters.  The kids are jumping all over Grandpa beginning their begging and we give them a firm no. Carni rides are not mom's favorite.  We stop by Crissy's booth to see how they are doing and then on to the hillside where we see lots of vans with trailers behind them.  Balloons!  We also find the stage where the Louisville Crashers are to perform.  Great everyone will be entertained.  I have been waiting to see them perform for quite some time as the lead singer used to be worship leader at church and is incredibly talented!  They did not disappoint, but my sweet Addison did!  As I am up by the stage with Anthony dancing away my dad taps me on the shoulder 4 songs in and informs me that Addison is falling asleep.  I turn to find my mom shrugging her shoulders holding my fading flower.  Arms are limp, legs flopping and eyelids slamming shut.  Mommy's night out with the kids is cut short as Addison is reaching her curfew.

We walk back through the tunnel of death safely and warn two girls to take a different direction that are heading in.  Was a great night but was so sad it ended at 9:14.  I was in for the long haul and the kids usually are too.  I grabbed a Redbox movie and headed home to get a snack and hang out with the kids.  Anthony fell asleep after inhaling a cup of chips and my little "We need to head home because Addison is falling asleep" stayed up until 11:30.  Little stinker!

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