Monday, August 22, 2011

Observing the change

This morning Victoria takes off out of the door to the bus and immediately comes back in to say that Bonnie my "favorite" neighbor across the street told her that the bus had already come.  This was at 7:15 when the bus comes at 7:30.  Interesting, that is pretty early.  I told her that I would take her to school no problem and started to wake my crew up to get them ready.  Then she jumps up from the kitchen table and says "There are kids from my bus waiting outside".  I tell her to hurry up before she really does miss the bus and send her on her way to the driveway.  They wait, and wait and wait and I go outside to sit on the porch.  Victoria stands there with 3 other kids and waits with me.  I then hear Bonnie my "Springer" neighbor yell across the road "The bus already came!"  I walk over to the road to hear the story.  "Didn't you get a call and note from school about the bus route changing?"  I respond "Nope, not a word."  Her eyebrows raise "Well the kids brought home a note last Friday saying that the bus route changed and that they were on the blue route instead of the gold now.  I saw Victoria come out and the other kids that were on the bus waiting and thought I would just sit and watch what happened with them."  Really?  It is now about a quarter till and the woman that is more than willing to let anyone know what is going on in the neighborhood from two doors down the divorce that is going on due to financial trouble to us leaving a hutch in the back of our truck when it was raining can't spread the word that the bus changed.  Seriously, Vicki was over one day when we got a computer armoire from my buddy Crissy.  It began to sprinkle and Vicki's phone rang "Viiicki? ( I so wish I could get the whine in her voice) You need to tell Jamie to get that furniture inside it's starting to rain."  On the outside that sounds very sweet and neighborly and like someone you would want to have for a neighbor but these are the same people that I sat on my front porch and watched as her grown sons in their 30's chase each other across the yard with a 2X4 in a fight.  Classy!  So Victoria was late to school I made sure that the other kids at the bus stop had a ride and all of us parents that were not notified marched to the office to find out what was going on.  The ladies in the office are SO sweet!  They must have been having a rough morning too as I thanked them and the secretary looked up to see someone else walking in and looked me dead in the eye and said "Oh please stay please stay! You said you had a question???"  I caught her desperation of not wanting to deal with whatever problem she saw walk in the door and I chuckled and offered a couple more questions to by her some time.  Rough way to start a week off.  I'm already ready for Friday. 

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