Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mommy's date

I got the thrill of time alone tonight.   This has been James second weekend not home and it is wearing on me a lot.  I can't tell you the last time I had a night to myself.  I remember one time James arranging a night by myself and I didn't know what to do with it.  I was going to paint back when we lived in the trailer but ended up staying in and not doing much.  I vowed that tonight I was going to take full advantage of it.  I got fixed up, put makeup on and even put on my wedges.  I wanted to look good for myself ya know.  :)  I headed over to La Bocca on Market St.  I sat outside on the sidewalk patio and had an appetizer, salad and even dessert.  I washed it down with a glass of wine too.  Was fun sitting by myself watching traffic go by.  After dinner I took a stroll down the sidewalk and headed into a place that is a new all time favorite called Dandy Lion.  It is located on bank street right off of Market.  I felt like I was in the Highlands (Which I LOVE!).  It is a little store that is all vintage/handmade goods.  Some really quirky stuff and it totally inspired me.  I wanted to go straight home and paint!  I roamed around and took it all in and then headed to the movies.  I saw The Help and laughed and cried through the whole thing.  Such and AWESOME movie!!  After the movie I headed straight to Meijer and bought the book to read along with some shoes and a new purse.  I found the cutest purse there and even though it was a bit more than I was wanting to spend on a purse it made me smile and will daily remind mommy of her night that she had to recharge her batteries.


Jill said...

Yea, for you, mommy! I am a tad bit jealous reading this, though. It sounds like heaven. AND I would like to have you do a painting for my kitchen. I'm getting new flooring and updating a few things. I want to wait and get my curtain fabric then maybe show you a swatch and give ya a verse that we would love to have ya paint. Sound good?! Love ya and miss ya, too! It's been way too long!

Kelly Craig said...

Can I watch Kade for you to allow you to do something alone? I would do that for you in a heartbeat!