Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

After sounding the trumpets to drag James out of bed the day after his Birthday bash his aunt and uncle came over to meet up with him to share gas on the trip over to Vincennes.  They headed up early and got a room for the Monday funeral.  Victoria was dropped off early and she and I headed over to Gramma Harb and Grandpa Jerry's house (after I realized that my keys were in my purse that was still parked in downtown New Albany where we celebrated).  Victoria was so excited about the adventure especially when she heard that there was going to be snow. 

The kids were asleep when we got there and Victoria and I scarfed up all of the left overs for lunch.  Victoria was chowing down!  Mom made a pot of decaf and we all sat at the table and ate a piece of chocolate cake with whipped creme.  Mom gave me a wink and doctored up a half a cup of decaf for Victoria.  She sat it in front of her and you would have thought she gave her a cup of liquid gold.  How grown she looked sipping on her coffee too.  She said "I can't believe I am drinking my first cup of coffee on Balintime's Day". 

The kids woke up and the excitement began.  Everyone was excited to see Toria, but mom was no big deal.  Isn't that the way it goes?  I wipe the butts, clear away the boogers and they rush out and say to Victoria "SISSSSYYYY!".  :)  Mom and I headed into town so that she could show off the new addition to the big town of Pekin, Dollar General Store!  This is huge folks.  Pekin has nothing other than a 2 lane grocery store and a 4 pump gas station, that is pretty much it.  I was quite impressed.  Plus I scored a Superman toddler ball cap for Anthony for Valentine's Day.

The trip back home led to another batch of snow ice cream that didn't turn out too well (old snow and skim milk) and hot dogs.  Victoria and I started loading up the car for the trip home. The snow was coming down quite hard and I wanted to head out before the roads got slick.  I took a long cut through Sellersburg to drop off my cousin's birthday present only to find that they are on a vacation in the sun, the little stinkers :) and we shot up Charlestown Rd on our way home.  This trip took us right by our church.  Victoria looked over and saw the parking lot full.

 "What is everyone doing at church Mom?"  I hear from the back seat.

  "Oh honey they are having a Valentine's Day dinner at church."
there was a short pause and then I heard in the most disappointed tone...

"We shouldn'ta ate that hot dog at Grandma's we shoulda ate there."  Poor kids a hot dog that she inhaled earlier wasn't enough when she found that there was better options at church.  Ya give the kid a cup of coffee and she thinks she knows everything.  :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

Happy (late) Valentine's Day, Craig family!!! :)