Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow day entertainment....

Here is the latest obsession folks.  Hair bows!!  A little snow, some ribbon, buttons, double prong hair pins, and a glue gun I am set!!  Anyone needing hair bows I am your girl!  I believe I am going to make up a batch of them and sent them with my hairdresser friends and see if I can make a little cash on the side.  What do ya think?
 "Snow ice cream is YUMMY!  It goes GREAT with my crumbs of cookie on my face"  I saw this idea on a my friend Jill's blog and looked it up online.  Some snow, milk, sugar and a shot of vanilla and you are in for some really good sweetness.  Sweetness, as in good to eat, and kids that will do whatever you want them to do in order to get more.  :)

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