Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mickey Mouse milestone

Today was a big day for A&A, they got a new place to sit and eat.  The high chairs have become a safety hazard because they constantly want to stand up in them and lean back.  They will inevitably come tumbling down out of them so Gramma Harb and I did something about it.  Check out A&A's new dinning experience!
A little "Mucki Mose Cubhuse"!  I thought Anthony was going to have a stroke as Daddy was opening it up for them.  He just couldn't believe his eyes, was this awesomeness in HIS possession?!?  Did the box REALLY contain that cool table and chairs?!?  Oh my it did!

The next morning Anthony came flying down the hallway and went straight to the table, "MOMMY LOOK!"  He was so surprised (Yes Honey is wasn't a dream, that really did happen, you and sissy have a new table)  We broke it in with a little McDonalds biscuits and sausage, and followed that up with 2 hours of coloring on the Mickey Mouse awesomeness!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Cute post! Lovin' the new table. Can't believe they're out of high chairs. ;(