Tuesday, August 24, 2010

8 lbs lost one brick gained

I can't remember if I had ever mentioned on here before my problem with eating in my sleep.  Basically I sleep walk and raid the fridge completely unconscious.  Waking to find my shelf next to my bed covered in remnants of the binge I had during the night. That would lead to horrible stomach ache and not wanting to eat during the day because of all of the food consumed during the night.  The condition is called SRED (Sleep Related Eating Disorder)  Dateline did a show on it not too long ago and it helped me to not feel like such a weirdo and as they say "I am not the only one dealing with this." Not anything that I am proud of or speak about a lot but something I have not been able to control in any way shape or form. 

A month ago I went to the doctor to get some "happy pills" to help me cope with all of the drama that this year has brought and have found a good fit in that department.  Anxiety is way down and my ability to function on a daily basis without being consumed by all of the distractions that keep me away from the joy that I know I have inside.

 I spoke with the doctor about my SRED and he wanted to help me with it.  I had hit my lowest point when I woke in the middle of the night due to falling into my door jam dead asleep hurting my shoulder.  I woke up standing clinging to the door jam scared to death wondering how I even got there in the first place.   He gave me a prescription to help curb the appetite.  My SRED would surface about 3-4 times a week helping me abandon any clothes that used to fit me at the Goodwill donation center.  In the past month it has only surfaced 3 times.  Huge success I would say.  I have been on the medicine for a month and at my checkup today I have lost 8 lbs!  I feel so great and feel like I finally have some help with this and can get back to a healthy weight again gaining energy and being able to play with my kids without feeling like I have been hit by a truck. 

On the whole brick part.  Is anyone else having an all out allergy attack out there?  Anthony woke up with a Croup cough today but even though I heard it I smiled walking down the hall to get him out of bed because he was still able to breathe. Nothing like it used to be before getting his tonsils out.  So glad we made that decision and wish we would have done it earlier.  He is doing a bit better but mom, James and I have a brick shoved into our head via the nostrils.  Mom's is hitting her chest hard and she is unable to laugh without getting sent into a coughing fit.  It wasn't very helpful today when Anthony sat down in a kid lawn chair at Meijers only to miss the chair and land directly on his butt. He got up and looked around like "I meant to do that."  Poor mom had to walk away and hold back the laughter.

On a praise note. Victoria got her name moved the the Caution color at school today for the first time in 1st grade.  Why is this a praise you ask?  Because she corrected her behavior so much so that her teacher placed her name back into the black zone where all kids start the day off.  Way to go Victoria.  She has a very hard time redirecting herself and I couldn't be prouder that she fixed the problem and CHOSE to follow all of the rules of the classroom.


Amanda E said...

Congrats! On the allergies...I've been miserable this week and have a massive headache today. Donnie also started with tthe allergy stuff this morning. Something must be in the air.

Jill said...

Way to go, you and Victoria! Didn't know about the sleeping disorder, but glad that it seems like you're getting some relief. ;)