Thursday, August 19, 2010

"I wanna go to school"

Anthony and Addison get really upset when we drop off Victoria at school and she is the only one that gets out of the car.  They yelled at me today that they wanted to go to school.  I had a light bulb appear over my head.  I will let them go.  We got home and placed the bench that sits in the living room in the middle of the room.  I put their backpacks on them that they take to church for their diaper bag and had them sit on the "bus".  I put a toy bus in front of the bench just like they were in line to get off at the front door of school.  I hopped online and found a cute video of "The Wheels on the Bus" that was a rap and pressed play and watched and the twins started bouncing away to the music.  I

As they were on the "bus" I ran into their room and set up their play table and grabbed my craft box.  I Mrs. Mommy Teacher (as they decided to call me) came to get them off of the bus and we walked in a line to the "classroom".  I sat them at their seats and they were just amazed.  They acted as if they had never seen their room before. 

We relearned capitol A.  They colored their pic of the capitol and then we moved onto "Art class".  I had them glue (with LOTS of mommy's help) cotton balls on a sheep I cut out for them and then moved onto the bravest thing I have done in a while.  I allowed them to paint with the watercolors (NON washable oooooooooo)  They did amazing.  I covered the table with a trash bag and Mrs Mommy Teacher was in charge of dipping the paint brush into the water.  They just couldn't contain themselves with the new activities.  We then had "recess" and ran around outside to get some sun and then right back into the house for "music".  I put on kids music on Pandora's Box (My absolute favorite thing in the world) and they danced while I made lunch.

After lunch I found an awesome  website that has some really neat stuff on it.  There is a place where you can search supplies.  Like say you have pipe cleaners, or cotton balls that you want to use you can click on that supply and there is a huge list of projects you can do using that item.  They have stuff listed like pantyhose, plastic forks, Crete paper, buttons, LOVE IT!!  We decided to make cows out of paper plates.  A & A had a ball putting their spots on the plate and the googly eyes were almost too much.  Poor Anthony my powerhouse kid, I would ask him to press down and he almost pressed right through the table.  That kid is so darn strong.  I am not sure if I am going to be able to handle him as he gets older.

We played school all day until nap time.  We rode the "bus" home and they met "Mommy" at the bus stop and they told me about their day.  Proudly saying that they learned "BIG A". 

I have pics but my computer is messed up and not letting me load pics for some reason.  I have some really good ones too!  They will hopefully soon follow.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I'm sure you're the best mommy teacher around! What a great idea!