Thursday, August 12, 2010

Potty Training and everything that goes with it.

  • My couch has a trash bag used in pillow case fashion over one of the cushion.  This is "Addison's seat" on the couch.  Some people say that plastic covered couches is ghetto well I am sure that a trash bag covered couch in a trailer park is one step below that.  :)
  • Addison had a successful potty trip in her potty chair.  I carried the bowl over to the bathroom sink to add water so I could pour the contents into the toilet.  The phone rang distracting me and I accidentally poured the contents into the sink instead, toilet paper and all.  P.S. Toilet paper clogs a bathroom sink VERY quickly.  Lysol covered sink soon followed.
  • Addison is NOT and I repeat NOT a fan of waking up from her nap in a hurry to get Victoria off of the bus.  First of all she sweats bad when she is napping.  She likes to wrap herself up like a burrito like her mommy when she is sleeping.  She wasn't awake at all and her hair was stuck to her head like glue all over her head except for the parts that were sticking off of her head like spikes on the right side of the top of her head.  Again not a fan of being woken up from her nap before the proper time.  This results in her falling into the fetal position on the floor screaming "I NOT GO POTTY!"  This continued while I walked in the room to Anthony dead asleep leaned over his bed and said in a whisper "Bubby you want a snack?" He was up and pulling on my shirt to get out of his bed before I could blink.  Food talks with that kid!  I finished getting Anthony buckled into the car while Addison threw her fit.
  • Addison now tall enough to reach the light switch in the bathroom (insert tear and sniffle here)  Addison has named the exhaust fan, the switch right next to the light, the "noisy fan".
  • Anthony still treats potty training like something that he will get around to when he is 7.  :/  Not trying to hard here on my end.  Not going to force him, and thought that getting one trained would be work enough.  I ask Anthony when he sees Addison put her sticker on her paper if he wants to try and he tells me "No way!"
  • Addison has shifted from me taking her to the bathroom to try to go potty (day 1 and day 2 of potty training) to her telling me that she needs to go.  Couldn't be prouder.
  • Addison had a day with NO ACCIDENTS today!!!  She is proud as a peacock strutting her stuff in her big girl panties.  She throws that hip out and says "Oh yeah! Uh huh! Girlfriend!"

1 comment:

Jill said...

Love it! And I can so picture that little hip out. Little Miss Sassy. (Can't imagine where she gets that from.)