Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1st grade!!

What an adventure!  The alarm went off and I restrained myself from throwing it across the room.  Victoria wasn't hard to wake up.  I was fully expecting her to be in her outfit she picked out for the first day when I pulled the covers off of her.  Quick bath to assure a good hair day for those curls and we were ready to hit the door.  Addison took a quick pee break and we were in the car.  Note Anthony and Addison have their back packs on as well.  We have to do everything like Sissy.

Off to the bus stop we head ready to go. A&A have their breakfast to go.  Cup of blueberries, grapes and a banana.  Victoria stands by the stop sign waiting on her new bus.  They changed the busing this year along with the start time for school.  We made it to the bus stop about 7 minutes early and was proud of ourselves, that is until.....the bus whizzed past us/empty/heading away from school.

Victoria and I looked at each other like "uuhhh?"  This photo must have captured the ONLY break in traffic on Grant Line Rd. at a quarter till 8 in the morning. By the time Victoria got back in the car so that we could drive the 200 feet to school Grant Line looked like.................this!THIS is the reason that Victoria rides the bus when we live so closely to the school.  This pic actually doesn't do it justice.  You can see the buses to the left turning in.  Would you want to turn left onto this road?  Didn't think so.
We hit the gym door and she was out of the car in a flash.  This was partly due to her excitement and partly due to me shoving her out the door because I had 100 cars behind me with frustrated parents and jumping kids.  She turned and waved to us looking so grown up and ready to take on the world.  Look out first grade here I come.

As we drove off Anthony looked over at the playgroud equipment raised he eyebrow and pointed over his shoulder with his wet calloused thumb sucking thumb "I wan pay in DAT paygoun!".  Me continuing to drive off sent him into a tantrum that turned his face purple. (p.s. Jill that self control 1,2,3,4 isn't working when I try it.  I need some pointers  ;)!

Potty update:  Addison only had two accidents today and 15 successful potty trips (including a #2!  I know tmi but I am one proud momma!).  She also stayed dry during her nap! Her potty paper is full of stickers with one big glitter sticker right in the middle for well you know..

1 comment:

Jill said...

Yea for Victoria! : )

No pointers here, girl. Sorry. I guess they're all works in progress. Learning that. ;)