Tuesday, August 10, 2010

6 out of 10

Addison had a somewhat successful day. She has 6 stickers on her paper on the bathroom wall. We have been through 4 pair of underwear today and she seems to be getting the hint.  I took off for a bit today to run to the grocery store.  I had Grandma come and sit with them while they were sleeping.  Grandma called and told me that she peed in her bed.  My poor mom with her healing shoulder trying to rip off the sheet in her bed and move blankets around.  I got home and Addison had crashed.  I woke her up for dinner and took her to the bathroom.  I heard her in there trying to pull down her panties saying "Ouch! Ouch!"  I turned the corner after getting Anthony out of bed to see what the problem was.  She had her panties on sideways.  She had the leg hole around her waist. We had to pull and tug to get those suckers off.   Tomorrow is the first day of school.  1st grade!!  Victoria has been climbing the walls for the past 3 days and making me climb the walls for the past 3 days.  I think we are both ready for school to start.  Here is hoping for a great 1st grade year.  Got to charge up the camera.

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