Saturday, January 2, 2010

(Insert VERY loud screaming here)

My oh my, where to start.  2010 is starting with a bang!  Victoria got picked up Thursday by Tina to have her weekend with her.  James said that he asked her again if she was staying at her dad's house (Victoria's grandpa) to which she said "Yes". We have been told for months now that Thomas is purchasing her a newly built home.  Victoria has led me to it to show off where her "new room" is going to be and I noticed the for sale sign in the front yard.  I called the realtor to find that the house is still for sale and no contract is written up for it. He laughed at me when I asked if the house was being built for someone like I had been told.  Victoria got home in time for church today and told me of waking up crying from a nightmare that she had in the middle of the night while with Tina about the Joker trying to kill her.  I asked her what made her think of the Joker and she told me the poster on the wall where she was.  I asked her if the poster was at Grandpa's house.  She said "No it was in the boys' room"  A few questions further and I found out that Victoria spent 3 days 2 nights with her womb donor at her current husband's ex wife's house. Did you catch that?!?  If you are scratching your head you heard it right.  Tina and Thomas (her boyfriend of about 3 months, husband of 1 month) are staying with his ex wife and kids.  Thanks to the wonders of Facebook, and my crafty private investigator skills the divorce was filed around Aug. of last year.  Tina told Victoria that she (tina) hurt her back and that his ex was wanting to help her while her back was hurting her.  Victoria said that she and Tina stayed there the first night and that Thomas was with them the second night to spend the night.  I spoke a little bit to Tina's ex husband that lives in Florida, whom I met and LOVE, tonight about it asking if he knew of this.  He said that they have been staying with Thomas's ex for the past two weeks now, not sure why but they were staying there when they were up to visit with the two kids that they (Tina and ex Hunter) have together last week for Christmas.  Someone please explain to me in what world is living with your current husband with his ex ok?  I can't handle being lied to. Lying about going to cosmetology school (I called to acting like I wanted to make an appointment with her at the school that she told me she was going to, only to find that they have never heard of her)I can deal with no big deal.  Even lying about being pregnant with twin boys , OK whatever! Lying about building a house, big woop, but lying about where my kid is sleeping at night SOOOOOOO NOT OK! My mind can't wrap itself around this.  Should I go ahead and sell the rights to the movie yet, or hold out for more money? I promise if I have any more posts about Tina drama I will include a chart so that it is easier to follow.  I just REALLY needed to vent!

1 comment:

Jill said...

I had to read this twice to follow all of it. : ) I am so so sorry. Will be praying. . .